Welcome to blog 10… or should I say vlog 10.
If you haven’t joined us before, I’m Ash, Front of House and Audience Development Coordinator at the New Adelphi Theatre.
Back in April I began sharing creative activities, resources and opportunities on offer from our industry friends to help support creative communities during this difficult time. We’ve also hosted lots of online events produced by the university’s creative community and our visiting artists. And we’ve been sharing good news stories and amazing achievements from our students and alumni! Which we will continue to do this academic year, on here and on our social media channels.
As our team are unable to meet our new students face to face at the moment, we’ve put together a welcome video for you, and our returning students. Watch below on YouTube and make sure to stick around for the bloopers!
Due to the on-going and ever changeable situation with Covid–19, we are not able to host any live performances during this academic trimester and perhaps not until 2021. We understand how disappointed our audiences will be, but the health and wellbeing of our students, staff, audiences and artists is of the utmost importance to us.
So, we’re redirecting our focus for the forthcoming trimester and we’re pleased to share that our large theatre spaces will instead primarily become teaching spaces. This means we’re able to further support staff and students with socially-distanced rehearsals and classes. Our team will also support the Performance Project by facilitating bespoke sessions on professionalism, digital engagement, marketing and more! Mark and I will also be delivering an inclusive and diverse Employability Master Class Programme for all three year groups across Technical Theatre, Media and Performance, Theatre and Performance and Comedy Writing and Performance. More information on that soon!
We also have some hugely exciting online events coming up this year so, watch this space as we will be platforming some highlights from our student and industry collaborations, including an artist and teaching residency with Imitating the Dog.
We thank you all for your continued support.
Until the next blog or vlog, take care of yourself and each other.
Ash, Niki, Mark, Hannah and Georgia.
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