With our doors currently closed due to coronavirus, our Front of House and Audience Development Coordinator Ash will be publishing a weekly blog to help to continue this cultural exchange digitally, by sharing creative activities, live streams, resources and opportunities on offer from the University, our friends, associate artists and colleagues.
Each week, a member of the New Adelphi Theatre team will also be recommending an online activity or experience that has uplifted them during this time of social distancing. We will also be sharing good news stories and special mentions about our incredible colleagues who are working tirelessly to fight against this pandemic.
Until we meet again, enjoy our pick of offerings from our wonderful industry friends, and let’s continue to Nurture the Arts Together, at home. Stay safe.
Our friends at the Lowry share their pick of amazing art, and creative activities to keep you and your families entertained at home – plus an insight into some of the artists and companies they work with as part of their fantastic Artist Development Programme.
ComedySportz UK share some pages from their book of improv comedy games, with family-friendly tips and tricks to play at home!
Our friends at Company Chameleon bring dance and movement to your lives; the programme shares the wonder of dance and features something for everyone to enjoy at home.
Never seen a ComedySportz match before? Two teams of comedians go toe to toe (from a distance) with quick-witted gags, games, sketches and songs inspired by your suggestions. There’s a referee on hand to ensure a good clean match and field suggestions from the audience via YouTube’s live chat. Shows are loads of fun for kids and adults alike, every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
The New Adelphi Theatre may be closed but the show will go on…line on Tuesday 21 April! Join us for a mixed bill comedy show of improv, stand up, sketch and more from ComedySportz in collaboration with the University of Salford. In the first half, a team of professional improvisers are joined by a student performer for some quick-witted gags, games, sketches and songs inspired by audience suggestions. It’s then followed by class comedy from our students at the University of Salford!
The live stream is free to watch, but you can donate if you’re able to. The proceeds will be used to support our friends at CSz Manchester, many of whom are self-employed and have lost paid work due to Coronavirus. Age guidance 18+.
Our brilliant Associate Artist Kiri Pritchard-McLean hosts a weekly virtual comedy night, at the #CovidArms to raise funds to support the Trussell Trust Food Bank and comedians whose livelihood has disappeared. This Saturday 25 April, Kiri will be joined by Ross Noble, Rose Matafeo, Danny McLoughlin and musician Robbie Cavanagh. Previous line-ups include Aisling Bea, Nish Kumar and Sara Pascoe.
Quarantine Theatre Company created Susan & Darren with dancer Darren Pritchard and his mum, Susan, a cleaner. You are invited to help Susan and Darren prepare for a party, online this Thursday 23 April. Join them for a buffet, chat, drink and a dance after the show. Friends and neighbours pop in via video interviews. “This not so much a performance as a gift – one that comes straight from the heart.” – Lyn Gardner, The Guardian
In Lockdown, students at De Montford University have been working closely with Gecko to adapt their original plans for a physical theatre performance into a completely virtual one. Each performer turned their homes into a theatre space as they embarked on their intensive training, devised physical acts and collaborated in isolation. The highly innovative outcome asks what it means to be here, now, within these walls. Ultimately the project reveals what is possible, and our ability to shift, change and adapt to maintain human connection. The performance will premiere on Gecko’s YouTube channel on Monday 20th April 2020 at 7pm, and will be available to watch for a short time after.
Salford Students – did you know you can access multiple software whilst at home on your personal device, including Adobe Creative Cloud?
To celebrate World Theatre Day under the coronavirus lockdown, HOME hosted a live Q&A online with Director and CEO Dave Moutrey and Associate Director Jude Christian. One of the questions was what advice the pair would give to a young theatremaker or actor just starting out in their career. You can watch the whole Q&A back, download as a podcast or read the full transcript on HOME’s website.
The 12 month scheme, managed by the University of Salford Art Collection in collaboration with Castlefield Gallery, supports artists in the crucial first year after graduation – providing time, space and resources to continue developing a professional contemporary practice. Deadline for applications Sunday 3 May.
Our friends at these brilliant arts organisations have come together to offer support to the freelance artists and independent companies of Greater Manchester, with advice surgeries and online workshops to help you find new ways of keeping your creative practice sharp and upskill yourself for the future.
Ash Cox, Front of House and Audience Development Coordinator: Drag and Cabaret is my quarantine tonic…
Like so many others during this difficult time, I have days where I struggle with engaging with anything creative, I have absolutely no attention span and other days where I feel super motivated, creative and inspired by the resilience and adaptability of my creative peers. I must admit, I have not watched as much online theatre as I assumed I would. My interests lie in audience engagement, interactions, exchanges and personal experience – liveness. So I’m waiting, like all of us, for “the house to reopen”.
Something that I am thoroughly enjoying is the marriage of Cabaret, Drag and Facebook Live. In particular, Jayde Adams (who annually visits the New Adelphi Theatre to host Amusical with alumnus Kiri Pritchard-McLean) and her absolutely joyous Couch Cabaret.
It’s a gorgeous selection of drag, comedy, art and music, straight from Jayde and Rich Wilson’s living room. I came for the cabaret, and I’m now addicted to the developing storyline about Pudding (you’ll just have to watch…) Airs every Wednesday, 7:30pm, on Facebook Live @jaydeadamscomedy
Special Mention: My trip to Brighton Fringe, to see my friend’s shows – including our very own Dr Ian Wilkie, was inevitably cancelled. Many fringe performers and freelance artists have had their livelihoods taken away from them since the pubs, clubs and community venues closed their doors. HOWEVER, I feel like a little part of Brighton has come to me, with our Fringe February programmed artist Alfie Ordinary streaming a sing-along Brunch live into homes every Saturday, to help us feel fabulous, and Joe Black filling our souls with joyful melancholy with his absurd living room cabaret every Thursday.
“Earth without art is just eh” – Demetri Martin. Stay safe and stay fabulous. Ash x
Our amazing colleagues, technical demonstrators Tim and Paul have been working with the Maker Space and have made more than 1000 medical visors to help support local hospitals. Well done, you make us proud!
Read more about how the university is supporting the frontline fight against Coronavirus on the news channel.
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Header photo credit: Adam Lyon