Our Venue Team speak to the University’s podcast Salford Speaks about the thriving New Adelphi Theatre!
Our Venue Manager Mark Fox and Front of House Coordinator Ashlee Cox discuss how the New Adelphi Theatre is a creative hub that is open to all; focused on nurturing emerging artists and enriching the Salford community and beyond.
You can listen to them speak about how the New Adelphi Theatre is an up-and-coming venue, with collaboration and co-creation at its core.
They highlight how the theatre is a cultural hotspot for all, keen on drawing in all audiences; from staff and students local on campus, to the local Salford community and those from afar. The pair also discuss the partnerships we are fostering with regional, national and international artists and how we nurture the emerging talent of our students and graduates.
They share their insights into the upcoming shows in our Spring/Summer season of events, such as Jim Cartwright’s new play Is There Anybody There?; Mark and Ash discuss the exciting opportunities both students and graduates have had by collaborating with Cartwright on the play.
The pair also speak about one of innovative projects we have in the pipeline: working with Digital ICZ and our academics on developing world-leading research in digital and multimedia theatre.
You can stream the podcast on Soundcloud here, and subscribe to Salford Speaks on iTunes (just search ‘Salford Speaks’).
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